1) All official documents and data referred to in this website are publicly available in open websites belonging to the corresponding administrations and/or governments, whose data are referred to explicitly in the pertaining products.

2) This website and its artistic content are copyright of Infinifly Design Inc., with the exception of all video and sound assets legally purchased for the sole purpose of media production. The corresponding credits are accordingly attributed.

3) Infinifly Design Inc. authorizes the redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents of this website for non-commercial purposes, but only if you acknowledge this website as the source of the material.

4) Infinifly Design Inc. is duly incorporated pursuant to the laws of Canada and extra-provincially registered in the province of Alberta, with corporate access number 2123040400.

Registered Address
Infinifly Design Inc.
c/o 800-9707 110 ST NW